Verder Scientific South Africa

Verder Scientific in South Africa

Verder Scientific Pty Ltd is the most recent Verder Scientific subsidiary, founded in July 2017.

The company is a joint venture of Verder Scientific with Monitoring & Control Laboratories (MCL) in South Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa.

Verder Scientific Pty Ltd is the distributor of high quality instruments for advanced heat treatment (Carbolite Gero), elemental analysis (ELTRA) sample preparation (Retsch) and particle characterization (Retsch Technology) in South Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa.

The company will offer the outstanding application support and after sales service for which the Verder Scientific companies are well-known all over Africa.

Please contact Verder Scientific Pty Ltd for all sales inquiries and service questions.

Verder Scientific Pty Ltd
10 Village Crescent
Linbro Business Park
Gauteng 2065
South Africa

Johannesburg: +27 (010) 6120141
Cape Town: +27 (0860)109 259
Exports: +27 (010) 6120141

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